Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Misleading media falsify reports of security forces’ actions in Lonegyi Village


ON 25 February, malicious media circulated false news on social platforms, alleging that security forces had attacked Lonegyi Village in Sedoktara Township, Magway Region, using heavy artillery and setting houses ablaze without provocation.

A security official clarified that the People’s Defence Force (PDF) insurgents were responsible for acts of violence in villages across Sedoktara. By acting on a tip-off from a local source, security forces launched operations alongside residents to address the situation.

The insurgents had reportedly erected barricades at critical locations such as the monastery, school, and residential buildings in Lonegyi Village, engaging in confrontations with security personnel on the date mentioned above.

Following the clashes, the terrorists fled the village, leaving behind burning homes in their wake.

Certain malicious media outlets disseminate false narratives to disrupt community peace and stability, aiming to conceal the collaborative efforts between security forces and residents in maintaining security.



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