Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year wishes of artistes for 2024

Alinka Kyawswa Sithu Tekkatho Myat Thu

TODAY, what the people of Myanmar yearn for is peace and stability. If they can live in peace and harmony, and if they become more united and work harder, it can be said that Myanmar, which is rich in resources, will inevitably become the richest country in the region. During the struggle for independence, the people of Myanmar, who unitedly fought to win independence out of patriotic spirit, were divided by colonial rulers. Multicoloured insurgencies broke out as they took up arms holding political ideologies that came from abroad. So, peaceful unity is needed.

Myanmar will become the richest country in the region in 2024 if the citizens establish peace with keen efforts and transform the country with the resources they have. We need to strive for that. May Myanmar be completely peaceful with a promising economy. May all the people of the country be healthy and prosperous and fulfill their wishes. I also wish that all citizens have a chance to enjoy the taste of independence, living in a peaceful and developed country free from all kinds of dangers.

Director U Kyi Soe Tun (Chairman of Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization)

I would like to sincerely wish all the people of Myanmar to be happy, healthy, united, and able to contribute to the betterment of the country in 2024.

Daw Nwet Nwet San (Film Actress)

I would like to wish all the people of Myanmar and the world peace. I also wish that everyone in the music, film, and theatre industries grows and blooms in their own fields, just like fresh flowers do, while the people of Myanmar make the right decisions and cultivate the right thoughts.

U Lwin Myint, Chairman of the Myanmar Music Association (Central)

Our music association is an organization designated for musicians. It is organized under the guidance of the State to work for the benefit of the public and the music community and has no political colour. Under any type of government, musicians have a tradition of carrying out a task assigned by the government, selflessly serving the nation. The association maintains this tradition and participates in such efforts with the power of music and the support of the public.

Our country is a great union where many ethnic groups live together in harmony. May it be a peaceful and prosperous union. May the country of Myanmar exist until the end of the world, having unity among ethnic groups. At this time of transition from the old year to the New Year, all the people of the world and all citizens of Myanmar be safe, healthy, and prosperous. I also wish for the safety, health, and prosperity of all people worldwide as we usher in a new year and bid farewell to the old one.

U Aung Tin Win, Patron, Myanmar Theatrical Association (Central)

May the Republic of the Union of Myanmar be blessed with health, prosperity, and happiness from the beginning of the New Year. May all citizens be healthy, happy, blessed, and safe. I also wish that members of the Myanmar Theatrical Association can improve theatrical art while achieving success based on theatrical art.

Nyein Thu (MNA)/TH


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