Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year wish for 2024 of Rector of Shan State Buddha University Maha Dhammakathika Bahujana Hitadhara Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Oxford Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta Dhammasami


NOW is the time for the New Year. We must bid a proper farewell to the old year 2023 to welcome the New Year 2024. The year 2023 posed its challenges, and we must acknowledge and accept that. In the face of difficulties, we may find ourselves dealing with depression. In such moments, there might be instances of wrong speeches within families, among friends, and at workplaces. If that happens, we should remind ourselves that we always strive to do our best, and then, we can bid farewell to the old year.

Crucially, we need to embrace the optimism that by envisioning and aspiring for the best, we can create a sense of delight for all. This mindset will prepare us to welcome the New Year 2024 with the determination to do our best, to see the best, and to strive for the best—for ourselves, our partners and friends, our families, and our country and culture. Positive thinking, referred to as Yoniso Manasikara in Pali, allows us to solve problems, aligning with the concept of the Four Noble Truths. Therefore, my wish for you all is to enjoy physical and mental well-being and become individuals capable of serving the interests of all, Buddhism, and humanity.


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