Monday, January 1, 2024

Misinformation: Tatmadaw kills 6 workers from Shanmyaung stone grinding mill


MALACIOUS Khit Thit media and RFA have published and spreading false information on social networking sites that six workers, including the mother of the owner of the Shanmyaung stone grinding mill in Madaya Township, Mandalay Region, were shot by the Tatmadaw on the night of 30 December, and that more than 50 houses were burned due to the burning of Udein village on the morning of 31 December.

Regarding the news, according to a security officer from the relevant area, there was no security duty near Zeebin Phyugon village. Reportedly, PDF terrorists shot and killed one woman and three men with small arms on the night of 30 December, further investigation is underway.

On the morning of 31 December, the security troops went to Udein village to stabilize the area as it was reported that there were arson attacks and threats of murder and money demands. PDF terrorists set fire to Udein village, and the homemade rockets they fired hit residential houses in the village and destroyed them.

In order to cover up their actions and misrepresent the security forces, the so-called PDF terrorists attacked the security forces by sneaking into people’s houses and burning down people’s houses and llegal media outlets have created false information through social networking sites.



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