Tuesday, July 11, 2023

SAC Member DPM MoD Union Minister inspects rehabilitation tasks, meets staff, administrators, Border Guard Police, their families in Rakhine


STATE Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minis­ter Union Minister for Defence General Mya Tun Oo, who ac­companied SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on his Rakhine trip, inspected the rehabilitation processes in Ponnagyun, Maung­taw and Buthidaung townships yesterday.

Together with the Deputy Prime Minister on his inspec­tion tour were Union Minister for Union Government Office Lt- Gen Yar Pyae, Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Min Naung, Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant, the deputy minister for Transport and Communications and senior military officers.

First, the Deputy Prime Minister and party inspected the maintenance of the Mocha-hit U Riz Mingala suspension bridge in Ponnagyun Township and met with the township departmental staff at the Township General Ad­ministration Department Office.

During the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister appre­ciated the collective efforts of the departments concerned, adding that they should work together in administrative and regional development programmes.

The Union ministers, the deputy ministers and relevant officials reported on the distribu­tion of relief items and supplies, agriculture and farming equip­ment, completed maintenance of storm-hit basic education schools and monastic schools, peaceful learning of students and repairs of communication systems.

Then, the Deputy Prime Minister and party met police force members and their families at the township police station and provided cash assistance after giving instructions.

They then oversaw the safe of the Myanma Economic Bank in the station compound and stressed the need to be aware of the safety of treasury and the danger of fire.

They then proceeded to No 5 Border Guard Police Branch in Maungtaw and met with the po­lice members and their families and presented foodstuffs.

Moreover, they met and comforted the district and town­ship-level departmental officials and ward administrators at Sasa­na Beikman of Maungtaw.

They also provided rice, cooking oil, water purifiers and foodstuffs to the ward adminis­trators. They also discussed the rehabilitation processes for ed­ucation, health, agriculture and breeding sectors.

They then inspected the Dis­trict Police Station and the treas­ury of the Myanma Economic Bank in Maungtaw Township.

Moreover, they comforted the No 3 Border Guard Police Branch members and their fami­lies in Buthidaung Township and provided cash assistance and other supplies.



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