Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Relief and rehabilitation tasks relying on internal strengths


AS local people are ethnics of the nation, residing in the same places through thick and thin, they all have to serve each other in fraternity so as to contribute to regional development, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the separate meetings with departmental per­sonnel, town elders, Tatmadaw members and families from Rathedaung and Buthidaung townships and relevant military stations of Rakhine State yester­day afternoon.


In the meeting with Tatmad­aw members and families from Rathedaung and Buthidaung stations at local battalions sep­arately, the Senior General said Rathedaung Station, located on the route of the storm, suffered severe impacts of storm Mocha. Reconstruction tasks are being undertaken whereas families need to repair necessary struc­tures as much as they can. Prior­ity must be given to safe and se­cure accommodation in the rainy season. Meanwhile, Buthidaung Station faced slight damage.

At a time when political cri­ses happen and storm Mocha hit there, relief and rehabilitation measures may have some re­quirements and weaknesses. In line with the motto: The strength of the nation lies within, relief and rehabilitation tasks are relying on internal strengths.

As repairing damaged parts is being undertaken for long-term strengthening, it will take time. Hence, Tatmadaw members and families need to endure the diffi­culties with high spirits.

As local people are ethnics of the nation, residing in the same places through thick and thin, they all have to serve each other in fraternity so as to contribute to regional development.

The Senior General also met with departmental personnel and town elders at township general administration departments in Rathedaung and Buthidaung separately.

Maj-Gen Aung Myo Tun of the Commander-in-Chief Office and town elders from Rath­edaung Township reported on losses and damage in the storm, supply of relief aid, a plan to build cyclone shelters, repair for reli­gious buildings and recruitment of health staff, beautification of Maungtaw-Buthidaung road, and needs of OG surgeons at Buthi­daung township hospital.

In his response, the Senior General pledged to fulfil the needs of townships on priority. The Sen­ior General underscored that in­dustries based on agriculture and livestock farms will contribute much to regional development. Buthidaung region needs to effi­ciently utilize cultivable lands and systematically operate livestock breeding to meet the meat and fish demands of the region.

The Senior General stressed that as the Buthidaung region is located in the westernmost of My­anmar, it is necessary to protect the region with a patriotic spirit. As the people reside in Myanmar, they have to be loyal to their land. Only when the region is peaceful and stable will residents be able to undertake regional develop­ment tasks as quickly as possi­ble. It is necessary to nurture a new generation of children to have greater development in the region. Education must be im­proved to bring about regional development in the future.

After the ceremonies, the Senior General presented relief supplies to departmental person­nel and town elders from relevant townships.



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