Tuesday, July 11, 2023

First High-Level Conference of Forum on Global Action for Shared Development held in Beijing


UNION Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Rela­tions, Dr Kan Zaw, currently in Beijing of the People’s Republic of China, held a meeting with Mr Deng Boqing, Vice-Chair­man of the China Internation­al Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), on 9 July 2023. During the meeting, matters relating to boosting bilateral economic cooperation, imple­menting ongoing and proposed China-aid projects, and explor­ing the way forward for future cooperation were discussed.

In the evening, the Union minister attended a welcome banquet hosted by CIDCA for the high-level representatives from respective countries and organizations who would be at­tending the Conference.

The First High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared De­velopment, led by CIDCA, was held under the theme “Global Development Initiative: Echo the Development Agenda and Call for Global Action” on the morning of 10 July. Union Min­ister Dr Kan Zaw participated in the Conference.

The Conference was also attended by Mr Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bu­reau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for For­eign Affairs; Mr Luo Zhaohui, the Chairman of CIDCA; and high-level representatives from more than 20 countries in Asia, America, and Latin America regions as well as 36 United Na­tions Agencies and internation­al organizations. U Tin Maung Swe, Myanmar Ambassador to the People’s Republic of Chi­na, and the two representatives from Myanmar also joined the Conference.

At the Conference, the four sub-forums were held consec­utively. Union Minister Dr Kan Zaw addressed the open­ing speech at the sub-forum, Global Public Goods for Pover­ty Reduction and Agricultural Transition: A Critical Juncture for South-South Cooperation. Following the conference, the Beijing statement was released with the consensus of the par­ticipating countries.


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