Saturday, July 8, 2023

Myanmar successfully hosts 44th ASEAN High- Level Officials on drugs meeting, related events


THE 44th ASEAN Senior Of­ficials Meeting on Drug Mat­ters and its Related Meetings (ASOD), hosted by Myanmar, continued at 8 am yesterday through a video conference at the meeting hall of Drug Enforcement Division Head­quarters.

Joint Secretary of the Cen­tral Committee on Drug Abuse Control and Commander of the Drug Enforcement Division Police Brig-Gen Win Naing, served as the co-chairman for the 8th ASOD+ China Consul­tation and the 16th ASOD+ 3 Consultation. In the 9th ASOD+ ROK Consultation, 6th ASOD+ India Consultation, and 5th ASOD+ Russia Consultation, the ASOD leaders of the ASE­AN countries were jointly pre­sided over by ASOD leaders.

They discussed opinions about the drug situation in the region, issues related to pre­cursor chemical control and anti-drug cooperation, and openly addressed the areas of continued cooperation in the future.

In addition, they agreed that the Philippines will host the 45th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Drug Matters and its Related Meetings (ASOD) in 2024. Police Brig-Gen Win Naing, Joint Secretary of the Central Committee on Drug Abuse Control and Command­er of the Drug Enforcement Division, made the closing re­marks.  



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