Saturday, July 8, 2023

Donation ceremony held for Cyclone Mocha victims

THE ceremony for cash and kind donations from the Min­istry of Foreign Affairs, Min­istry of International Cooper­ation, Myanmar embassies, Myanmar citizens in foreign countries and partner foreign companies was held at the Disaster Management Cen­tre-DMC yesterday afternoon.

First, the Foreign Af­fairs deputy minister men­tioned that donations from employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of International Cooperation, Myanmar embassies abroad and Myanmar Permanent Representative Offices to-talled K72,454,700, which is equivalent to eight donated foreign currencies; donations from Myanmar citizens living abroad, companies and institu­tions amounted to K61,473,400, which is equivalent to five donated foreign currencies; medicines worth K29,849,680, which is equivalent to Indian Rupee 1,193,987.20 were also donated.

Then, the Union minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement returned words of thanks for the donations and support from the inter­national community for the Cyclone Mocha disaster.

Items donated by the ASEAN Humanitarian Coor­dination Centre-AHA Centre, governments and people of Thailand, China, India, Bang­ladesh, Indonesia and foreign embassies in Yangon were de­livered by Tatmadaw aircraft, naval ships and vessel from the Ministry of Transport and Communications to Sittway from where they were distrib­uted to the Mocha-affected townships.

Afterwards, the Foreign Affairs deputy minister pre­sented K133,928,100 and medi­cines worth K29,849,680 to the MoSWRR Union minister and she returned the certificate of honour.  



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