Saturday, July 8, 2023

MoI Union Minister attends 13th respect-paying ceremony to senior comedians

THE Myanmar Comedians As­sociation (Central) organized its 13th respect-paying ceremony to veteran comedians at the Plena­ry Hall of MICC-2 in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

Union Minister for Infor­mation U Maung Maung Ohn, Deputy Ministers U Ye Tint and Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, U Myint Soe and Dr Soe Win, officials of Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare, departmental officials, senior comedians, Patron, Chairman, Vice-Chairman and members of comedians association and guests attended the ceremony.

During the event, the Union minister appreciated the efforts of the new generation of comedi­ans for holding such a ceremony to pay respect to their mentors.

The Union minister also said the role of comedians is also im­portant in movie, music and the­atrical fields. The Prime Minister also supports the entertainment sectors prioritizing the artistes to develop these fields. The ministry also participates in such opera­tions for the artistes. Therefore, the artistes should serve for the people to be carefree and happy with goodwill. They also work together with the government while it is overcoming the chal­lenges in the outbreak of natural disasters. Moreover, those who ease the pain and make people happy are comedians. Therefore, comedians should keep enter­taining people to be happy in the future with their best skills.

Then, Myanmar Comedians Association (Central) performed “Myanmar” Anyeint.

The Union minister then had a documentary photo taken to­gether with the senior comedians after paying the honorary awards to them.

Deputy Ministers U Ye Tint and Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun also presented honorary medals and certificates to the chairman and vice-chairman of the Myanmar Comedians Association (Cen­tral).

The chairman of the My­anmar Comedians Association (Central) also gave honorary medals and certificates to the patron and joint secretary of the association.

Then, members of the asso­ciation entertained by perform­ing a play and singing songs.

The Union minister, depu­ty ministers and departmental officials presented offertories to veteran comedians. Then, the young comedians paid respect to the elderly and concluded the first session of the event.

At noon, the association held a conference as the sec­ond session of the event and re­shuffled the association officials and discussed the development programmes and work plans.



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