Saturday, June 17, 2023

Unity can be forged to overcome any natural disasters and dangers: Vice-Senior General

CHAIRMAN of Natural Disaster Management Committee Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win yesterday inspected the progress of rehabilitation tasks in MraukU, Minbya and Kyaukpyu and met departmental personnel, town elders, relief teams and Parahita teams at General Administration Department offices separately.


Local authorities and senior military officers assigned to supervise rehabilitation tasks reported on losses and damage in the storm and rehabilitation progress. The Vice-Senior General attended to the needs.

Speaking on the occasions, the Vice-Senior General said that as the towns severely affected by the storm faced loss and damage in manufacturing and services, other towns with minor loss and damage should apply their strong points to enhance productivity. If so, they can supply consumer goods, personal goods and general products to the townships facing the downgrading of the economy in the storm and can save the GDP of these townships on one hand. Only when Rakhine State possesses development of GDP will per-capita income increase. If so, demand will be high and develop the economy of the state. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to lever up the meat and fish, agriculture and livestock sectors of the state.

Unity can be forged to overcome any natural disasters and dangers. As such, the government, Parahita teams and people are to join hands in taking post-storm rehabilitation measures. The Vice-Senior General then presented foodstuffs to departmental personnel, relief teams and Parahita teams.

He also donated rice and alms to monasteries in MraukU, Minbya and Kyaukpyu.

The Vice-Senior General inspected the repairing of public hospitals damaged in the storm and other damaged buildings in MraukU, Minbya and Kyaukpyu. He then comforted members of the Sangha and locals receiving medical treatments at the hospitals and presented food and cash assistance.

While in Minbya, the Vice-Senior General viewed the learning of students at the Basic Education High School and fulfilled the needs of teachers.

The Vice-Senior General inspected local military battalions and police battalions in MraukU, Minbya, Kanni, Sittaw and Kyaukpyu and spoke words of encouragement to Tatmadaw members and families as well as police members and families.

He attended to the needs and presented foodstuffs, seeds and cash awards to them. MNA/TTA


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