Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Tatmadaw senior officers, officials oversee rehabilitation work in Rakhine State


LT-GEN Lu Aye, who is cur­rently in Kyaukpyu in Rakhine State, together with depart­mental staff, paid homage to the Patron Sayadaw of the Na­gar Kyaung Pariyatti Buddhist Learning Centre and donated necessary items. Then, they inspected the cleaning of gar­bage in Zaytitaung ward and salt farms in Ngalapwe Ward.

Lt-Gen Aye Win currently in Buthidaung in Rakhine State along inspected healthcare services to the locals from four villages and donated rice and foodstuffs to the storm-victims from eight villages. Then, he checked the cleaning process­es of drainage in No 3 ward.

Maj-Gen Soe Naing Oo currently in Thandwe attend­ed a coordination meeting on cultivation of monsoon rice and development of farming sector at the township General Administration Department.

Maj-Gen Aung Myo Tun, currently in Rathedaung paid homage to the Alodawpyae Sayadaw in Taungyintan ward and donated alms.

Similarly, Brig-Gen Khin Zaw, currently in Minbya, do­nated rice and foodstuffs for 33 nuns at Dhammikayon Pariyat­ti Buddhist Learning Centre in Alepaing ward.

Next, Brig-Gen Tin Swe, currently in Maungtaw, attend­ed the tree-growing ceremo­ny at Myothagyee village and provided plants to the locals. Then, he inspected health­care services to the locals at South Myoma Ward ward and supplied foodstuffs to them. — MNA/KZW


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