Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Tatmadaw relief teams exert rehabilitation efforts


TO facilitate relief and reha­bilitation activities in areas af­fected by natural disasters, the Tatmadaw has deployed relief teams consisting of local secu­rity forces. They are actively rendering assistance in the re­spective areas in cooperation with social organizations.

 The relief teams in Maung­taw are working together with mobile medical teams to provide healthcare services to the locals Myoyu village and planted trees at the monsoon tree-growing ceremony organized by Maung­taw District Forest Department.

Next, relief teams in Pon­nagyun collaborated with mo­bile medical teams in providing health care services to the lo­cals in Sanpya ward.

Similarly, relief teams in Buthidaung cleared fallen trees and bushes beside the motor­way and worked in cooperation with mobile medical teams pro­vide healthcare services to the locals in Latwedatpyinshay village.

Relief teams in MraukU are cooperating with the My­anmar Police Force members to clear fallen trees and bushes in the compound of the Thet­mahnaung pagoda.

The relief teams in Rath­edaung cooperated with mo­bile medical teams in provid­ing healthcare services to the locals at the Sasana Beikman monastery. —MNA/KZW


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