Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Myanmar New Year wishes from various religious groups


U Wunna (Buddhist) Chairman of Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central)

When the old year has passed and the New Year has begun, may all Myanmar citizens, the esteemed ethnic national brethren, and all the people on earth have an auspicious new year. I wish the citizens to vanish from hatred and coexist in perfect harmony by moving towards a better future and development of the nation.

Regardless of the diversity in religions, races and political or other opinions, we cultivate optimism and compassion in hearts and the citizens are making genuine and maximum efforts to live peacefully in the country. I hereby would like to encourage people to join in our efforts for living together in peace. May all the ethnic brethren, citizens and people worldwide be protected from danger and threat, feel at peace, and contribute to your nation, religion and well-being, under spiritual guidance, compassion and religious practices of the four major religions.

U Zaw Zaw Naing (Hindu) Vice-chairman, Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Organization (Central)

Myanmar is a country with enormous ethnic diversity. Citizens are maintaining mutual harmony and compassion and goodwill among different communities. May all be protected from diseases in the new year and cultivate new ideas and optimism. May the country be peaceful. I wish the people and administrative bodies to join hands for economic development. Two factors play a pivotal role in shaping a peaceful nation; loving-kindness and hard work. May all be free from hatred and enmity. May all be filled with good health, prosperity and well-being.

Dr Sai Kyaw Myint (Christian) Vice-chairman, Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group(Central)

Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central) is exerting concerted efforts to maintain traditions, customs, beliefs and cultural characteristics of the entire ethnic people in building peace and socioeconomic security for the people living in the country. I like to encourage everyone in building a democratic nation and removing sins in the new year.

U Aung Zaw Win (Islamist) Vice-chairman, Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central)

Myanmar is home to several religious groups and different ethnic groups living in harmony. With kindness, unwavering loyalty, and positive and cooperative interaction between people of different religions, we shall participate in ensuring peace and stability of the nation. The strength of the nation lies within, our Islamist community believed. May all citizens and people worldwide be peaceful and contribute to the nation’s interest, I wish. May the year ahead bring you good luck, success and happiness.



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