Wednesday, March 1, 2023

SAC Vice-Chair DPM Vice-Senior General Soe Win attends final match and awarding for men’s football tournament of InterUniversities, Degree Colleges for 2022-2023 Academic Year

VICE-CHAIRMAN of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win watched the final match of the men’s football tournament of the Inter-Universities, Degree Colleges for the 2022- 2023 Academic Year and awarded prizes to relevant teams at the prize-giving ceremony at Wunna Theikdi Stadium in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon.

First, the Vice-Senior General and party watched the final match between the Yangon Zone team and the Pathein Zone team.

As it was the final match, both teams posed pressure on each other starting from the match through indomitable spirit. The Yangon Zone team scored its first goal in the 7th minute and the Pathein Zone team equalized the result in the 33rd minute.

In the second half, the two teams scored their second goals in the 61st and 71st minute respectively. The initial 90 minutes ended in a draw.

In extra time, the Pathein Zone team netted the third goal in the 7th minute and 34th second and the Yangon Zone team equalized the result in the 13th minute and 50th second from the penalty shot.

Finally, the Yangon Zone team won the tournament beating the Pathein Zone 4-3 on penalties after a thrilling 3-3 draw in the match.

Then, Union Minister Dr Nyunt Pe presented the best goalkeeper award to Pathein Zone team goalkeeper Hein Htet Ko Ko while Union Minister LtGen Tun Tun Naung gave the best defender award to Mawlamyine Zone team player Hsan Pyae Sone Soe, the best midfielder award to Yangon Zone team player Aung Naing Soe by SAC member U Yan Kyaw, the best attacker award to Magway Zone team player Ye Yint Maung by SAC member Khun San Lwin, the highest-scoring award to Yangon Zone team player Hlaing Bwa by SAC member Dr Kyaw Tun and best player award to Yangon Zone team player Nay Soe Lin by SAC member U Maung Ko.

Next, SAC member Mahn Nyein Maung presented individual medals, prizes and cash awards to the third-prize-winning Mawlamyine Zone team while SAC member Porel Aung Thein to the second-prize-winning Pathein Zone team and SAC member Lt-Gen Yar Pyae to the first-prize-winning Yangon Zone team.

Then, Vice-Senior General Soe Win presented cash awards and the championship trophy to the first prize-winning Yangon Zone team.

After the prize-awarding ceremony, the Vice-Senior General and party cordially greeted the athletes.

The player selection was held at zone levels- four zones in lower Myanmar and four zones in upper Myanmar for the current football tournament of inter-university, degree college and college under the Department of Higher Education.


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