Wednesday, March 1, 2023

MoI BGB meeting 1/2023 held online

THE Broadcasting Governing Body (BGB) meeting 1/2023 of the Ministry of Information was held online yesterday morning at the Office of the Union Minister in Nay Pyi Taw.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister U Ye Tint, officials from radio broadcasting and television programmes of MRTV, MWD and private TV companies that have a joint venture with MRTV and MWD.

BGB Chairman Deputy Minister U Ye Tint discussed matters in connexion with collaborative efforts from private media outlets in the development of peace and stability of the State, governing broadcasting to ensure that there are no errors in their programmes, taking responsibilities and accountabilities upon complaints from viewers on paid TV channels, timely payment of taxes, power bills and other servicing charges for the State, and domestic residences and visa issues of foreign employees under law, rules and regulations. He also coordinated presentations raised by attendees.

The Broadcasting Governing Body (BGB) is formed with 21 members from MRTV officials and responsible persons from broadcasting companies. Chaired by the MoI deputy minister, BGB coordination meetings are held every two months to facilitate the broadcasting work.


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