Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Everybody needs to serve the interests of the region and the nation for creating a good future for new generations: Senior General

IT is necessary to implement the Kyaukpyu SEZ project to have greater success for the sake of the nation, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at a meeting with district and township-level departmental officials and town elders in Kyaukpyu District of Rakhine State at Rammawady Hall in Kyaukpyu yesterday morning.

Clarification on Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone and regional data

Union Minister for Commerce U Aung Naing Oo and Chairman of Kyaukpyu SEZ Management Committee U Myint Thein reported on the emergence and background history of the SEZ, the formation of the management committees, the implementation of the SEZ project in successive eras and future plans. Chairman of Kyaukpyu District Administration Body U Ye Lin Maung reported on regional data and town elders on regional development and improvement of the socioeconomic life of the local people.

Setting missions and visions in nation-building tasks without losing sight of the goal

In his speech, the Senior General said that the government is implementing two political objectives to ensure strengthening the genuine disciplined multiparty democratic system and building the Union based on democracy and federalism while emphasizing two national objectives – the prosperity of the nation and food security. As prosperity is interrelated with peace and stability, only when each region is peaceful and stable will these regions and the whole nation be prosperous.

Encouragement for turning out educated human resources

The Senior General stressed the need to produce educated persons in the Kyaukpyu region. If so, the area will have qualified human resources for undertaking regional development.

Agriculture and livestock

If the per-acre yield of paddy rises higher in Kyaukpyu District, it will benefit the region as well as increase demand for local farmers. Moreover, the country will earn increased incomes. Consequently, local people will have increased income and improvement in socioeconomic life. As such, all farmers need to strive for meeting the target per-acre yield. Livestock farms can produce bio-fertilizers for agricultural farms. The success of fish and prawn farming tasks will contribute much to the economy of the Kyaukpyu region. High-quality products made of coconut can create job opportunities in the region and increase incomes for local people. Likewise, it is necessary to conserve existing forests as well as windbreaks and mangrove forests to prevent natural disasters and ensure favourable climatic conditions.

Kyaukpyu deep-sea port project was implemented for more development of foreign trade. Implementing the projects for the development of the nation, businesses suitable for relevant regions are considered in all aspects under the long and short plans. Hence, it is necessary to implement the Kyaukpyu SEZ project to have greater success for the sake of the nation.

The Senior General urged all to strive for achieving success in agriculture and livestock farms in the Kyaukpyu region to contribute to the regional development. The government delivers capital for MSME businesses.

Attracting guests to a pleasant home

The Senior General stressed the need to create regional peace and stability, beautifying, domestic foods and pleasant environment so as to attract local and foreign travellers. A pleasant house can attract guests. Everybody needs to serve the interests of the region and the nation for creating a good future for new generations.

On arrival at Kyaukpyu Education Degree College, the Senior General heard reports on the progress of a three-storey main lecture building and requirements of the degree college by principal Daw Mie Mie Win. The Senior General fulfilled the needs.

The Senior General also inspected the progress in the construction of the new building for the Nursing and Midwifery Training School and left necessary instructions.


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