Sunday, May 9, 2021

MoRAC Union Minister attends religious matters


Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Ko Ko attended the donation ceremony of the eternal Soon endowment held at Min Kyaung Prathama Pyan monastery in Thanlyin Township yesterday.

The Union Minister and party firstly took five precepts from State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee member, Presiding Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Dr Candima Bhivamsa of Min Kyaung Prathama Pyan monastery.

Then, the Union Minister briefed the religious affairs and donated the offertories and K5 million for Soon endowment to the Sayadaws.

The Union Minister then shared merits by pouring the water of libation when Sayadaw Dr Candima Bhivamsa finished preaching sermons.

Then, the donors U Kyin Oo and Daw Chaw Su Lwin family of Popular Group donated K1 million to State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee members Sayadaws including Committee Chairman Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa and Sayadaw Dr Candima Bhivamsa at Maha Nayaka Monastery in Thiri Mingalar Kaba Aye Hill in Mayangon Township.

The Union Minister and party also attended that donation ceremony.

Next, the Union Minister met the officials of the National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon), Department of Archaeology and National Museum and State High School of Arts.

During the meeting, the Union Minister discussed the reopening of schools, a significant part of human culture, cultures, language, tradition, arts and ethics, the vital role of literature and Myanmar traditional arts.

He then instructed the needs to prepare the training schools in line with the COVID-19 health rules and provide teaching aid materials.

The diploma courses, first-year and second-year courses of the art schools are being opened, and the remaining diploma courses will be reopened on 10 May.



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