Sunday, May 9, 2021

Deputy Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations U Than Aung Kyaw meets investors from industrial zones


Deputy Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, U Than Aung Kyaw and member (3) of the Yangon Region Administration Council, U Aung Than Oo accompanied by the departmental officials, met with the responsible personnel from burned and damaged factories in Shwe Pyi Thar and Hlaing Thar Yar Townships in the morning of 8 May 2021.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister discussed matters regarding the import of machinery and equipment to restart the commercial operations, fire insurance coverage, employee social security benefits, facilitation entry visa for foreign investors and experts. He also mentioned the government’s assistance programs to mitigate the loss of business in accordance with the existing laws and regulations and investment facilitation matters.

After that, the investors and representatives discussed the current issues, labour issues, financial matters and tax incentives. The Deputy Minister coordinated with the relevant departments to resolve the issues.

In the afternoon, the Deputy Minister and member (3) of the Yangon Region Administration Council attended the meeting with the officials from Myanma Port Authority (MPA) and responsible persons from Myanmar Mercantile Marine Development Association (MMMDA) at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) to facilitate the oversea shipping and container transportation.

The Deputy Minister highlighted the government’s effort to reduce the high cost of trade due to the increase of containers’ rental rate. He also mentioned undertaking necessary measures to provide the requirements of exporters in the peak season. Member (3) of Yangon Region State Administration Council, the officials from the MPA and the representatives of MMMDA, made suggestions to reduce trade and logistic costs.—MNA



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