Saturday, December 1, 2018

Union Minister U Thein Swe returns from ASEAN meetings in Malaysia

Union Minister for Labour, Immigration, and Population, U Thein Swe, attended the 10th ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM +3) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, yesterday. At the meeting, officials approved the report of the 16th ASEAN Senior Labour Officials’ Meeting (ASEAN SLOM) held on 25 November. Leaders from ASEAN countries and China, Japan, and South Korea also exchanged opinions and evaluations on the ASEAN Declaration on Promoting Green Jobs for Equity and Inclusive Growth of ASEAN Community, adopted at the 25th ALMM.

During the discussions, Union Minister U Thein Swe said that he believes a good administrative system can be established if it is based on the promotion of green jobs, as declared at the 25th ALMM, and assessed from different perspectives.
He said that we need to find new solutions to our modern-day problems. He said that we need to define ‘green’ in new ways as it entails not only preserving the natural environment, but also stability, cohesion, respect, equity, equality, and compassion. Myanmar will work to establish ASEAN as a green, safe, and bountiful region in the future, he added.

Afterwards, the Union Minister attended the closing ceremony of the 25th ALMM and its related meetings and returned to Myanmar in the evening.
Translated by Zaw Htet Oo
Photo: MNA
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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