Monday, August 6, 2018

Union Minister: Youth participation in socio-economic development and regional development will further benefit the country

The third meeting to design a national-level strategic plan concerning youth policy was held at the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (SWRR) yesterday.

Attending the meeting were Union Minister for SWRR Dr. Win Myat Aye, the Deputy Minister, directors-general and responsible officials, youth representatives from states and regions, state and regional youth representatives for designing a national-level strategic plan concerning youth policies, UN agencies, NGOs, technical advisors and invited guests, totaling 53 participants.
In his opening speech, Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye remarked that it is now already the third time this meeting was held for designing the national level youth policy strategic plan. He said a youth policy written by the youths themselves is an honest policy that will represent the entire youth population.

The Union Minister said there are sixteen sectors to youth development to fulfill the five strengths of youths – physical, knowledge, character, friendship and wealth, and added that this national-level strategic plan needs to be actually implemented. He said the Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong has already held its third session and while no agreements were reached in the first session, 37 points were agreed to in the second session and 14 points in the third, totaling 51 points agreed upon. The Union Minister said there were points agreed to in the social sector and told the youth representatives to follow the news of the Union Peace Conference –21st Century Panglong. He said youths need to have unity and cooperation, coming from different backgrounds to realize a democratic federal union and to design the national-level strategic plan for youth policies with relevance to the entire youth population.

The Union Minister said he will explain about the different ministries related to implementing youth policies and their projects, the need to cooperate with different ministries, and the need for youths themselves to implement the national-level strategic plan.

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye also delivered a speech at the fifth Child’s Dream Alumni Association (CDAA) Myanmar Conference held at the Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon on 4 August.

In his speech, the Union Minister said the youth policy, needed for the youth population for the country’s future, was included in the incumbent government’s 100-day schemes and implemented and was distributed on 5 January of this year. The youth policy was drawn by youths themselves and is a guideline for the existence and development of Myanmar’s youths.

The Union Minister said youths need to learn of the country’s history, its current state of affairs, and policies for its future. He added that youths need to effectively participate in their respective categories. He said people view their desires from childhood as their dreams, and the youths also have individual dreams. He added that it is important to think about the wellbeing of oneself and others around in one’s life journey. The Union Minster also mentioned for youths to actively participate in ensuring everyone has their basic human rights protected, democratic values respected, and the emergence of a socially responsible community, in the national peace process, abolishing drug abuse, and gender equality among other categories.

The conference was attended by youth alumni who received scholarships to various countries from Child’s Dream, and was held with the aim for networking, sharing job and educational opportunities, and exchanging knowledge and expertise for regional development and resources.—Myanmar News Agency

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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