Monday, August 6, 2018

Orphans Reduction and Protection Association (Myanmar) officials visit social welfare philanthropic childcare centers in Pathein

Prof. Dr. Mya Thida, General Secretary of the Orphans Reduction and Protection Association (Myanmar), and association members Daw Khaing Nwe Oo and Dr. Khin Than Aye, together with Ayeyawady Region Minister for Social Affairs Dr. Hla Myat Thway, visited (Panset) childcare centre in Pathein, opened by the Department of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, and discussed steps for accepting children under 6 months old.

Next, the association entourage visited Manawphyu All-Rround Philanthropic School and Sayadaw Baddantha Ashin Sandarthiri was explained of the processes of the Social Welfare Group for Ayeyawady Region (Pathein), and the need for collaboration between the Orphans Reduction and Protection Association (Myanmar) and the philanthropic network in the region.

Afterwards, they visited the Saytawun Youth Development Philanthropic School (established in 1945), Yadanar Alinyaung Monastic School for Orphans (Padauk Chaung Gone and Ywar Thitgone), YGW (Yelow Generation Wave) schools and discussed the formation of a regional Orphans Reduction and Protection Association.

District IPRD

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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