Monday, September 30, 2024

Organizations release statements, supporting SAC’s offer to resolve political issues through political means

IN light of the losses and damage caused by armed struggle line and acts of terrorism in the country, the State Administration Council issued a statement on 26 September 2024, urging ethnic armed organizations, terrorist groups, and PDF terrorist groups currently opposing the State to abandon terror attack ways. Instead, they are invited to resolve political issues through political dialogue, either via party politics or the electoral processes, to work alongside the people for restoring durable peace and development.


Organizations such Young Men’s Buddhist Association-YMBA (Central), Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central), the Myanmar Press Council, Myanmar Sports Media Federation, Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization, Myanmar Writers’ Association, Myanmar Music Association (Central), Multinational Unity and Trusteeship (Temporary), Myanmar Artists Association (Central), Myanmar Theatrical Association (Central), Myanmar Comedians’ Association, Myanmar Evangelical Christian Alliance, Union of Myanmar Methodist Church (Lower Myanmar), Faith Evangelical Church (Bago), Deliverance Church (Yangon), All Myanmar Hindu Central Council, All Myanmar Tamil Hindu Foundation (HQ), Thananta Dhamma Palaka (Hindu) Association, Islamic Religious Affairs Council Myanmar and Pinnaygone Yakhine Jaame Mosque welcomed and supported the State Administration Council’s offer to resolve the political issues through political means in view of the loss and damage caused in the State.



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