Monday, January 1, 2024

Our government will continue working hand in hand with the people to implement the roadmap, national and political visions and objectives successfully


The following is the New Year greetings for 2024 of Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing.

On the occasion of transitioning to the New Year 2024 after the conclusion of 2023, I extend my prayers to all national brethren residing in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, wishing them physical and mental well-being. Additionally, I pray for people worldwide to be free from dangers and diseases, living in a peaceful and prosperous society with unity.

In 2023, the government and all ethnic people collaborated successfully in overcoming some difficulties and challenges. However, individuals unwilling to support the peaceful development of our country during the democratization process disrupted the entire populace through various means. Various destructive acts resulted in the loss and damage of state-owned and people-owned property, showing negative.

In 2024, our government will continue working hand in hand with the people to implement the roadmap, national and political visions and objectives successfully. Special emphasis will be placed on further boosting the economy, fostering the development of MSME businesses in agriculture and livestock sectors, and promoting the education sector. I urge all ethnic people to cooperate with each other and the government to develop our socio-economic life with peace and stability, aligning with our theme: “Keep Moving Forward to Achieve Our Goal.”

In the year 2024, our country will conduct the enumeration of biometric data and household registration nationwide. The biometric data from the census enumeration will benefit the social, economic, and management measures of the State and aid in compiling voter lists for holding a free and fair multiparty democratic general election, a fervent wish of our government. Therefore, I urge all ethnic people to cooperate in the enumeration of the national census process.

Seventy-six years after regaining independence, the country has not yet experienced the deserved progress due to various reasons. To achieve development, we must follow existing laws, live in peace and unity, strive for school-age children to pursue education for the future nation, and work with a real sense of commitment to increasing production. Regardless of our endeavors, we must exhibit united strength. Therefore, I encourage all to build happy families, carry forward beneficial lessons from the last year into the New Year, and leave behind negative thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Without racial, religious, and regional biases and with consideration, empathy, and compassion, I extend New Year greetings, urging all to march forward towards the new State we all aspire to.


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