Monday, January 1, 2024

Best wishes for 2024 New Year of Presiding Patron of Insein Ywama Pariyatti Buddhist Learning Centre State Ovadacariya Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Tiloka Bhivamsa


Today marks an auspicious New Year Day in 2024 for people worldwide. I extend my wishes for the well-being and safety of all Myanmar and global citizens. Leaving behind past negative experiences, losses, and damages, individuals must reform their physical, oral, and mental activities for a fresh start in this auspicious period of the New Year 2024. To ensure global peace, one must uphold the four cardinal virtues. Everyone should be willing to serve each other’s interests in accordance with the Dhamma, fostering auspiciousness. Abiding by 38 types of auspiciousness, including avoiding bad deeds, negative spirits, and harmful individuals, will be fundamental in shaping a peaceful world.

Venerable Masoeyein Pathan Sayadaw outlined the four cardinal virtues, emphasizing the importance of recognizing people in different social and economic classes. Expressing joy for the success of those in higher classes, showing compassion towards those in parallel classes, and maintaining sympathy for those in lower classes are essential. In the Sakkapanna Sutta, the Lord Buddha conveyed to the king of celestial beings that human plights and sufferings arise from jealousy and envy. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to set aside jealousy and envy while upholding the four cardinal virtues to contribute to the creation of a peaceful world.


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