Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 New Year message of Dr Bhaddanta Saddhamma Kittisara (Aung San Sayadaw)


I extend my heartfelt wishes and compassion to all global citizens and Myanmar nationals as we transit from the old year 2023 to the incoming New Year 2024.

May all living beings to enjoy sound sleep and peace of mind in their respective regions, awaken to auspiciousness each morning, find the strength to combat all malevolent activities through the teachings of Dhamma, and seize opportunities to enhance their capabilities through virtuous actions.

In the New Year, may all Myanmar citizens and global inhabitants have the opportunity to savour the sweetness of Enlightenment and engage in virtuous deeds on auspicious occasions. May they cultivate days filled with meritorious actions, steering clear of misdeeds in their physical, verbal, and mental pursuits. As the New Year unfolds, may both Myanmar citizens and global citizens reflect on their virtuous deeds.


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