Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 New Year wishes from various religious groups


U Wunna (Buddhist), Chairman of the Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar (Central)

Auspicious wishes to all citizens of Myanmar.

Today marks the end of the year 2023 and the beginning of the year 2024.

On this 1 January 2024, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar’s Interfaith Dialogue Group wishes for a peaceful and healthy existence for the people of Myanmar as well as people around the world. As the motto of the Interfaith Dialogue Group is “From interfaith unity to peace, and from peace to national development”, I wish that people of different faiths and ethnicities living in Myanmar come together to strive for the prosperity of the country in the name of love and unity.

U Thomas (Christian), Vice-chairman, the Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar (Central)

Auspicious wishes to you all, and peace be upon you.

As the Vice-Chairman (Christian) of the Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar, I thank God for the opportunity to make wishes for the New Year.

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is a country with more than 130 ethnic groups living together and enjoying religious freedom.

The Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar is working hard for national unity and peace, which are the nation’s most pressing needs currently.

We wish all of us to be able to work together to build a peaceful new society for the nation in the new year with new spirits.

In the New Year of 2024, may all the people of Myanmar enjoy happiness, health, unity, peace, and development while receiving many blessings from God.

Happy New Year, May God Bless You all.

U Aung Zaw Win (Islam), Vice-chairman, the Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar (Central)

Auspicious wishes to you all.

Today marks the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, and on this occasion of a happy new year, may all the people of Myanmar as well as all the people of the world have peace of mind and well-being while enjoying the prosperity of the economy. May the country of Myanmar become a peaceful and prosperous nation.

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is a country with more than 130 ethnic groups living together and enjoying religious freedom.

The Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar is working hard for national unity and peace, which are the nation’s most pressing needs currently.

In this New Year, I wish that the Republic of the Union of Myanmar develops peacefully and that a new society can be established with a new spirit and the unity of all religions, wishing you a peaceful and happy new year.

U Zaw Zaw Naing (Hindu), Vice-chairman, the Interfaith Dialogue Group of Myanmar (Central)

Auspicious wishes to you all.

At the end of 2023 and on the occasion of the new year of 2024, I am happy to have the opportunity to make a New Year wish as the vice-president of the Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central). Our country has a prominent wealth in the world — love. Other countries are materially rich; Myanmar is rich in love. If the people have a lot of love, everything will be fine. May Myanmar be peaceful and prosperous because of the love of the Lord Buddha. May the nation prosper and be unaffected by outside threats because of the god Ganesha.

The country will be peaceful and prosperous if the government and people work together. I would like to request that you remove hatred; if you have it, please replace it with love. I wish that everything will be successful because of love.


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