Saturday, December 23, 2023

Youth & Literary Fine Arts Festival concludes


The Youth and Literary Fine Arts Festival commemorating the 76th Independence Day continued its third day yesterday. It came to a successful conclusion with the strong participation of government personnel, teachers, students, youths and enthusiastic people.

At the three-day festival, 227 government employees, students and people read 56 books as voice donations for the schools of the blind at MRTV’s booth.

The booths of the ministries concerned were also crowded with visitors.
Moreover, the students and youths at the festival participated in the youths’ talk show themed “Youths and Friendship”.

After the talk show, Deputy Minister for Information U Ye Tint presented certificates of honour to the presenters and artistes of MRTV-4 Channel.

In the evening, the artistes of MRTV sang songs to conclude the festival and the ethnic dance groups, students, youths, and people joyfully participated in it.

Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye Thant/KTZH


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