Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Speech of East Timor President José Ramos-Horta likely to interfere in internal affairs, sovereignty of other nations, and also lower the role of President as he was hired by NUG: veteran politician


THE speech of East Timor President José Ramos-Horta is likely to interfere in the internal affairs and sovereignty of other nations and also lower the role of a president as though if he was hired by NUG, Colonel Khun Okka, Patron of PNLO told The Global New Light of Myanmar (GNLM).

The East Timor President made a comment, as mentioned above in his video message, urging Myanmar soldiers to leave Tatmadaw.

“It breaks the government-to-government relations and the other nation’s internal affairs and sovereignty. The situation might change if a civilian with no political power or who is not a president or prime minister says something like that. But now, he is a president of an authorized government. He should understand the facts to respect between the countries. He had gone too far. He should say that he supports the charter of ASEAN and urges to follow the ASEAN charter. But now, he said all the soldiers must surrender and mentioned what to do. So, his doings are likely to represent NUG members. He degrades himself. The role of the head of a nation declines, as he said, for being hired by NUG. His dignity also becomes lower. It should not be like that, whatever the perspective is,” Col Khun Okka said.

The State Administration Council regarded the NUG, formed of unlawful Hluttaw representatives, as a terrorist group.

However, the Timor-Leste government met NUG, which was irresponsible, so the charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste was ordered on 27 August 2023 to leave Myanmar no later than 1 September.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar also released a statement that Timor-Leste was encouraging to commit terrorist acts in Myanmar.

“Although he encouraged to wave a white flag, his words are supposed to be real violence. He could object if he attended the ASEAN (meetings) as an observer. But he said that, and it is recorded in ASEAN as violence in history. Timor has no geographic link with Myanmar. It is just a small country. The lands are not connected, and the religious perspectives are different. It is not yet a member of ASEAN. All should be against it,” said a former Hluttaw representative.

Timor-Leste is looking forward to becoming an ASEAN member country. Translated: KTZH


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