Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing asserts commitment to democratic and federal Union, warns against disintegration

THE Union system based on a democratic system and federalism all the people are building consists of all points of demand, and the Union is not to be disintegrated, said Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

At the meeting 7/2023 of the Union government at the Office of the Chairman of the State Administration Council in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning, SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address on the crucial role of the Union system.

The Senior General underscored that Our Three Main National Causes: non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty are being implemented with the national concept. He confirmed that as the nation is firmly built under the Constitution based on Our Three Main National Causes, these causes will not totally be harmed.

He noted that whenever terrorists harm Our Three Main National Causes, relevant regions and residents will suffer harmful consequences.

The Senior General explained that Rakhine State has faced difficulties in the transport sector for many years. From the time of the Tatmadaw government to date, development undertakings reversed the situation of Rakhine State with remarkable improvement. However, AA armed organization commit toinstability in the condition of development undertakings.

He continued that the Rakhine area often encounters natural disasters, and the government carries out rescue and relief measures as well as rehabilitation tasks many times. Moreover, the state faced Bengali unrest. Now, AA armed organization attempts to cause armed terrorism in MraukU, Kyauktaw and Paletwa regions. Such conflicts will bring bad consequences to residents, and their sabotage will cause loss and damage to bridges, roads, buildings and ancient cultural heritages provided by the government. It is necessary to take adequate time to undertake rehabilitation. It can be seen that the Tatmadaw and the government made the utmost efforts for the rehabilitation of Rakhine State to recover from the loss and damage caused by the storm Mocha. The development undertakings aimed to complete rehabilitation in the monsoon so that local people could resume their livelihoods in the dry season. Senior military officers were assigned to each township to manage the rehabilitation tasks within six months for remedying these regions, he explained.

However, the Senior General added that current armed disturbances will negatively impact locals again. Although now is the time to carry out development tasks in their region, valuable time was spent on reconstructing damaged bridges and roads and rehabilitation tasks with a large sum of funds.

The Senior General warned that if armed organizations keep on being foolish, residents of the relevant regions will suffer bad impacts. So, it is necessary to consider the lives of the people, and those organizations need to solve their problems politically, discarding their naughty moves.

As such, the Senior General urged all to emphasize the interests of their region and the country and pointed out that conflicts in the country can harm the State economy as well as the tourism sector. Only when the country is peaceful and stable in political and security measures will inbound and outbound tourism industries boom.

With regard to coffee cultivation, the Senior General stressed the need to extend the cultivation of coffee to increase coffee production within five years. A plan is underway to extend 27,900 more acres of coffee in 2024. If so, the country will have some 300,000 acres of coffee in total, and its results can be seen within five to seven years.

The Senior General also urged all to encourage rubber cultivation in regions and states, up from 1.6 million acres of rubber plantations.

The Senior General gave guidance that it is necessary to expand the tax space in the society but increase the tax rate.

He noted that sanctions were imposed on Myanmar to face difficulties and harm the banking system. As such, Myanmar needs to increase export volume in order to earn foreign exchange with rising domestic manufacturing.

The government has been controlling the prices of fuel and cooking oil at home. Unscrupulous persons committed to raising cooking oil prices. Everybody needs to consider the lives of the people. Deterrent action was taken against those unscrupulous persons under the law.

The Senior General pledged to ease the restrictions for export and import measures in the export and import sector. It is because exporters submitted that they face made efforts in trading, but importers take advantage. If the country receives the non-trade income, it can reduce reliance on trade.

The Senior General plans to ease restrictions on the export of agricultural produce and allow incomes from exports to be spent on importing basic inputs for agriculture, livestock, and MSME businesses.

In the education sector, the Senior General unveiled that students are attending the schools in all regions cent per cent except the conflicted areas.

The Senior General recognized health personnel and teachers for their efforts in providing healthcare services and teaching amid difficulties, although some universities were closed due to terror acts of terrorist groups. So, local authorities need to manage the convenience of education and health staff for their security and administrative measures for the sake of the regions.

Union ministers reported on their respective sectors. The Senior General gave the necessary guidance after hearing the reports.

The meeting was also attended by SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union ministers and officials together with chief ministers of regions and states through videoconferencing.



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