Monday, December 11, 2023

Myanmar, ROK to cooperate in culture, religious affairs

U Tin Oo Lwin, Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture, received Dr Sang Kyung Chan (Venerable MOKTAK), Chairman of the Korea-Myanmar Friendship Association of the Republic of Korea yesterday at the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture (Yangon branch) on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township of Yangon.

During the meeting, they discussed missionary works being carried out in Myanmar by the association, cultural and religious cooperation between Myanmar and the ROK, opportunities for Myanmar people to pursue education and find employment in the ROK before exchanging commemorative gifts.

In the afternoon, the Union minister visited the National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon) in Dagon Myothit (South) Township to meet with officials from the university.

The Union minister said in the meeting that 24 graduation ceremonies have taken place between the time it opened and the current 2022–2023 academic year and a total of 7,869 people have been awarded 2,602 bachelor’s degrees in arts, 384 bachelor’s degrees in arts with honours, 105 master’s degrees, 1,210 graduate diplomas, 632 part-time diplomas in arts, 2,815 computer diploma in art, 65 honorary bachelor’s degrees, 19 honorary master’s degrees, and 21 honorary doctorates.

He also said by promoting the honour and status of the university from all sides, the aim, purpose as well as the process of the university will be more successful.

The Union minister also urged the faculty members to keep up the pace of academics, aggressively while highlighting the importance of national culture.

He also called for cooperation to be able to preserve and spread the traditional arts while promoting the national pride by fulfilling national responsibilities.

Then, the rector of the university reported on the university’s academic and administrative measures. The Union minister visited the departments of the university and gave necessary instructions.



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