Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Five special civil appeal cases passed; seven special criminal cases heard

A special appeal tribunal consisting of Union Chief Justice U Thar Htay and Judges of the Supreme Court of the Union U Tin Hon, Daw Khin May Yi, U Thein Ko Ko and Daw Thin Thin Nwet convened yesterday morning at Room 1 of the Supreme Court of the Union and passed the judgments on five special civil appeal cases — No 40/2022 (Kayin), No 8/2023 (Shan), No 20/2023 (Kachin), No 21/2023 (Magway) and No 24/2023 (Bago).

In addition, the special appeal tribunal heard a total of seven special criminal appeal cases — No 1/2023 (Yangon), No 2/2023 (Mandalay), No 3/2023 (Kachin), No 4/2023 (Kachin), No 5/2023 (Kachin), No 6/2023 (Rakhine) and No 7/2023 (Yangon) in line with the COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines.



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