Sunday, July 9, 2023

57th kidney transplant completed successfully

THE 57th kidney transplant was successfully performed at the Yangon Speciality Hospital, a 500-bed facility, on 6th July. Despite temporary suspension due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the medical teams, led by Professors/Department Heads and comprising specialists and nurses, resumed the 55th renal transplant operation in November 2022 and the 56th operation in March 2023, under the close supervision of the Medical Services Department and leadership of the Ministry of Health.

The recipient of the 57th operation was a 27-year-old male nurse from Shan State Public Hospital, Namhsam, with his 32-year-old sister as the donor. The surgery commenced at 9 am and concluded at 1:45 pm. Prof Dr Kyaw Soe Kyaw, the department head of urine and renal surgery at the 500-bed Yangon Speciality Hospital, along with Prof Dr Win Win Hlaing, the department head of urine and renal treatment, Prof Dr Mu Mu Naing, the department head of Anesthesia at Yangon General Hospital, Prof Dr Win Win Kyaw, the department head of heart and cardiovascular surgery, Prof Dr Aung Cho Tun, the department head of X-ray, Deputy Director-General Dr Thida Aung of the National Blood Centre (Yangon), Director Dr Swe Sett of the National Health Laboratory (Yangon), Associate Prof Dr Maung Maung Swe of the 500-bed Yangon Speciality Hospital, and veteran retired medics Prof Dr Than Aye, Prof Dr Kyaw Swa Hlaing, Prof Dr Khin Maung Htay, and Prof Dr Kyi Kyi San, along with skilled nurses and Medical Superintendent Dr Aung Lin Aye of the 500-bed Yangon Speciality Hospital, collaborated to carry out the operation. The hospital management committee members provided their valuable cooperation.

The successful completion of renal transplant operations by Myanmar specialists in public hospitals enables patients to receive treatment locally and save on medical expenses that would otherwise be incurred abroad. The Ministry of Health supports these operations by providing the necessary resources.

Colonel Win Tint, the Yangon Region Security and Border Affairs Minister, and U Aung Win Thein, the Social Affairs Minister, observed the operation procedures and offered K1.5 million to the patient and the donor, along with K3 million to the healthcare workers.



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