Saturday, June 17, 2023

Tatmadaw senior officers, officials oversee rehabilitation work in Rakhine State


UNDER Section 11 of the Natural Disaster Management Law, the State Administration Council declared the areas damaged by Cyclone Mocha as areas affected by natural disasters and appointed senior military officers to supervise rehabilitation activities in the areas mentioned in the announcement.

Lt-Gen Aye Win currently in Buthidaung in Rakhine State along with officials inspected healthcare services to the locals in Dapyuchaung village and provided supplies to representatives in five village-tracts. Furthermore, they met departmental officials, ward administrators and locals in the meeting room of the General Administration Department.

Brig-Gen Aung Thu Oo, currently in Kyauktaw, along with officials paid homage to Bhaddanta Nandasara in the precinct of Maha Kangyishin Pagoda and donated rice, edible oil, foodstuffs and other substances.



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