Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families donate aid, relief materials, supplies to locals in Rakhine State


DUE to the impact of the powerful Cyclone Mocha in the Bay of Bengal, pagodas, monasteries, residences, departmental buildings, fallen trees, and flooded roads suffered losses and damage. Locals have taken refuge in cyclone shelters and temporary accommodation.

Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) donated 500 bags of rice and 425 bags of biscuits for the local people. Relief teams were flown from Nay Pyi Taw airport to Sittway by Tatmadaw aircraft for the first time and Tatmadaw medical teams, medical supplies, 350 bags of rice, 325 bags of biscuits and communication equipment for the second time. In addition, 140 bags of biscuits and 70 bags of rice were delivered by helicopter yesterday morning. Officials accepted the goods at the Sittway airport.


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