Wednesday, May 10, 2023

MoIC Union Minister attends meeting 1/ 2023 of Working Committee on International Relations under National Disaster Management Committee

THE meeting of the Working Committee on International Relations 1/2023 under the National Disaster Management Committee was held at the Ayeyawady Hall, Ministry of International Cooperation yesterday.

Union Minister U Ko Ko Hlaing, in the capacity of the Chairman of the Working Committee on International Relations, discussed the need to notify international organizations including the United Nations and the ASEAN as well as the friendly countries in advance to receive necessary assistance in time in case of Cyclone Mocha happens in Myanmar as well as to establish a Fast–Track Mechanism in facilitating the smooth delivery and distribution of the international assistance to the affected areas.

U Kyaw Myo Htut, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Vice-Chair of the Working Committee briefed on a prior donation of over 150, 000 instant noodle packets with the value of 1.07 million Thai Baht provided by the Myanmar community in Thailand for the potential affected population.

Subsequently, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the capacity of the Secretary of the Working Committee, also discussed the work programme to be implemented by the Working Committee.

In addition, members of the Working Committee deliberated on the smooth facilitation of flight clearance and landing permits of the flights, carrying assistance items for the affected people, tax exemptions, entry visas, and loading and unloading matters among others.


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