Sunday, May 14, 2023

MoI Deputy Minister inspects IPRD work process ahead of storm


DEPUTY Minister for Information U Ye Tint met the director of the Ayeyawady Region Information and Public Relations Department, staff of region and district offices, in charge and employees of the MRTV retransmission station and staff of the ethnic news division at the region IPRD office on 11 May. He then went to the IPRD offices of Gwa Township and Kyaintali town.

On 12 May, he inspected the preparations not to cause losses of books, journals and office materials in squalls at the Community Centre of Thandwe District IPRD Office and met the district assistant director and staff of the district and Ngapali offices.

He also instructed the staff of the MRTV retransmission station of Thandwe Township not to occur failure of broadcasting during the period of the storm. During the meeting, he highlighted the storm preparedness activities, educating programmes, information releases, and awareness campaigns to enrol the schoolage children during the school enrolment period.

He also comforted the marine workers who relocate at temporary cyclone shelters of Wartaungkwin Monastery, Aung Dhamma Yeiktha Monastery and Mingala Thukha Monastery together with Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Than of the Western Command, Thandwe District Disaster Management Working Committee Chairman U Myo Chit and other relevant officials in the same evening.

During the tour, he highlighted the preventive measures of the Union government and state government for local people. Then, officials presented rice, cooking oil and foodstuffs donated by the state government for evacuees and the deputy minister handed over a K1 million cash assistance from the ministry for storm evacuees in Thandwe District.

 District IPRD/KTZH


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