Sunday, May 14, 2023

Kayin State Chief Minister assists displaced persons


KAYIN State Chief Minister U Saw Myint Oo provided foodstuffs and other assistance to the temporarily displaced people at Dhamma Thukha Monastery in Kyondoe Township together with relevant officials.

On the morning of 13 May, the chief minister and party paid homage to Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Senila of Dhamma Thukha Monastery and presented religious affairs and donated offertories and cash.

They then provided foodstuffs and 17 types of relief items to 124 internally displaced people of 38 households at the religious hall of the monastery. The chief minister discussed the hardships of these people and instructed officials to ensure the school enrolment for school-age children, capital amount, scholarship, paddy seeds, cement and construction materials to rebuild the houses.

Then, the chief minister and party inspected the repair works on the destroyed basic education high school of Kyondoe township in the attack of terrorists and went to Kyondoe police station and provided foodstuffs and cash to Tatmadaw members, police and border police who serve security measures.

They then went to Kyondo General Hospital and comforted the patients and gave foodstuffs and a K300,000 cash prize to the medical staff.

They finally inspected the locations to construct a cyclone shelter in the No 2 ward of Kyondo Township.



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