Tuesday, April 4, 2023

SAC Chairman PM Senior General Min Aung Hlaing honours Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Colonel with title of performance, accepting honorary doctorate from Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


CHAIRMAN of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing himself conferred honorary titles and medals on the persons for their excellent performances in development, peace and prosperity of the State in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independence Day 2023 at the ceremonies where the title recipients attended on 1 and 2 January.

As some recipients missed the chance to attend the honorary titles conferring ceremony or send their representatives to the ceremony for various reasons, relevant region and state chief ministers and commanders of military commands presented the titles.

An honorary titles and insignia conferring ceremony took place at the parlour of Zeyathiri Beikman in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday, attended by the Senior General, SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Zeya Kyaw Htin Sithu Ye Win Oo, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Zeya Kyaw Htin Sithu Moe Aung, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Zeya Kyaw Htin Sithu Tun Aung, Russian Deputy Minister for Defence Colonel General Alexander Vasilievich Fomin, Russian Federation Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Nikolay Listopadov, Military Attaché Colonel Sergey Kurchenko, President of Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr Professor Vitaly Vyacheslavovich Naumkin and officials.

Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Zeya Kyaw Htin Toe Yi read the order of conferring the title. Then, the Senior General presented Thiri Pyanchi title and insignia to Russian Federation Deputy Minister for Defence Colonel General Alexander Vasilievich Fomin for his excellent performance in cooperation for the development, peace and prosperity of the State.

The President of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences explained the conferring of an honorary doctorate. In his speech, he said that under the leadership of the Senior General, political transparency based on national unity, development of socioeconomic life, and justice are vividly seen in Myanmar. The country is having an improvement in sectoral cooperation and relations with Russian Federation including the science and technology sector. The institute has decided to cooperate with Myanmar. The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences unanimously decided to confer the honorary doctorate on the Senior General for his excellent performances in sectoral cooperation and development measures including humanitarian and sought approval to confer the degree on the Senior General.

The Senior General accepted the honorary doctorate from the president of the academy.

In speaking words of thanks, the Russian Deputy Minister for Defence expressed his vow for making more efforts deserved to accept the honorary title. Diplomatic relations between the two countries have turned 75 years. As from the New Year occasion, he prayed Myanmar must have greater success and development under the leadership of the Senior General.

In his speech, the Senior General explained that the Thiri Pyanchi title is a title of performance for those who strived for significant performances benefiting the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The Russian Deputy Minister for Defence was awarded such a title for his great endeavours to benefit Myanmar and its citizens as well as modernize the Myanmar Armed Forces while enhancing friendly relations and cooperation between Russia and Myanmar.

The Senior General expressed his delight at accepting the honorary doctorate from the academy. Myanmar students are learning at universities in the Russian Federation and have obtained advanced degrees. More students are also pursuing education there. The Senior General pledged to strive for sectoral cooperation and relations between the two countries including military technology, education, science and cultural sectors.

d cultural sectors. The Senior General, the Russian Deputy Minister for Defence and the President of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences exchanged commemorative gifts.

After the ceremony, the Senior General, the Russian Deputy Minister for Defence and attendees to the ceremony had documentary photos taken.



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