Monday, April 3, 2023

PDF terrorists attack non-military bus, leaving one boy and one woman dead, two monks, two people injured


SO-CALLED PDF terrorists under NUG and CRPH fired on a bus unrelated to the military at around 8 pm on 1 April.

The incident occurred that during Myat Mandalar Tun express bus carrying 16 passengers, driven by U Kyaw Soe Lwin, was driving from Yangon to Kawthoung.

Between mileposts No 84/1 and 84/2 between Taninthayi and Kanmalaing village, Taninthayi Region at 8 pm on 1 April, PDF terrorists attacked the bus with small arms from about 200 metres east of the road for without reasons.

One innocent 7-year-old boy and one woman were killed and two monks and two men were injured due to the terrorist attacks.

The injured were taken to the Taninthayi Township People’s Hospital, where necessary medical treatment is being provided. The injured are under treatment at Taninthayi Township People’s Hospital.

It was reported that the security forces are cooperating with the dutiful people to arrest so-called PDF terrorists under NUG and CRPH as soon as possible, who attacked the innocent people who were traveling peacefully without any relations to the military.



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