Tuesday, February 21, 2023

SAC Chairman PM Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing confers honorary titles and medals on former Japanese Prime Minister, Chair of Japan-Myanmar Association


CHAIRMAN of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing conferred honorary titles and medals on those who sacrificed for the development of the nation and peace and prosperity with might and main in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independence Day 2023. On 1 and 2 January, the conferring ceremonies were successfully held, and the SAC Chairman Prime Minister himself conferred honorary titles on recipients in individuals at the ceremony.

Relevant chief ministers of regions and states and military command commanders presented honorary titles to the recipients at their homes or the persons on behalf of the recipients who could not attend the conferring ceremonies for various reasons.

Yesterday, the Senior General received Japan-Myanmar Association Chairman Mr Hideo Watanabe at the parlour of Bayintnaung Villa in Nay Pyi Taw and presented the honorary title and insignia conferred on former Prime Minister of Japan Mr Taro Aso for his utmost performance in the development and peace and prosperity of Myanmar to Mr Hideo Watanabe on behalf of the former Japanese Prime Minister. Then, the Senior General conferred the relevant title and insignia on Mr Hideo Watanabe in person.

First, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Thiri Pyanchi Sithu Soe Htut read the order of conferring the title. The Senior General himself conferred Thiri Pyanchi title and insignia on Mr Hideo Watanabe for his excellent performance in the development and peace and prosperity of Myanmar.

Then, the Senior General presented the Thray Sithu title and insignia for former Japanese Prime Minister Mr Taro Aso for his excellent performance in the development and peace and prosperity of Myanmar to Mr Hideo Watanabe on behalf of the former Japanese Prime Minister.

Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General expressed his pleasure in conferring the title on the chair of the Japan-Myanmar Association for his emphasizing the development of Myanmar and bilateral friendship for many years. He has been making utmost efforts for focusing on friendly ties between the two countries and the two armed forces, the development of Myanmar and the investment of Japan in Myanmar. Thanks to his efforts, both countries and peoples as well as two armed forces could cement friendly relations and cooperation, and the Senior General expressed his belief that the chair of the association would strive for further development of both countries. History cannot be erased but can remain unchanged as long as the world exists.

Mr Hideo Watanabe, in his speech, pledged to further promote friendly relations between the two countries. The former Prime Minister of Japan cannot come here to accept the title in person but he missed the chance due to elections in Japan at present. The former Japanese Prime Minister told the association chairman to convey his message to thank the Senior General. The association chairman pledged to strive for the development of Myanmar and the standing of Myanmar Tatmadaw throughout his life.

Later, the Senior General and the Japan-Myanmar Association Chairman had documentary photos taken together with attendees.



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