Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Judgements passed on 2 special civil appeal cases; 5 cases heard

A special appeal tribunal consisting of Chief Justice of the Union U Htun Htun Oo and Judges of the Supreme Court of the Union U Myo Tint, U Tin Hone, U Thein Ko Ko, and Daw Thin Thin Nwet, was convened yesterday morning at the Supreme Court and passed the judgements of two special civil appeal cases, Nos 28/2020 (Shan) and 18/2021 (Mandalay).

In addition, a total of five special civil appeal cases, No 30/2022 (Mandalay); 47/2020 (Sagaing); 48/2020 (Sagaing), 49/2020(Sagaing) and 16/2022(Mandalay) were heard following COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines.




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