Monday, November 21, 2022

World Children’s Day event held to mark UN Convention on Rights of Child


THE World Children’s Day event was celebrated with hybrid system to mark the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child at the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement yesterday, attended by Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Thet Thet Khaing.

In order to protect and promote the rights of children, the Focal Ministry is implementing the UNCRC children’s rights in cooperation with civil society organizations, relevant government departments, and INGOs/ NGOs, the Union Minister said.

In carrying out child protection activities, plans are being implemented to cover all types of children, including children with disabilities, premature working children, migrant children, trafficked children, children without arms, children on the streets, and children facing legal action, the Union Minister continued.

Regarding gender-based violence including the violations against children’s rights, and child rape, victim children or people can contact hot line number 1566 opened by the ministry.

As children are the future of a country, it is necessary to take care of them based on four basic rights of children, namely Survival, Development, Protection and Participation, and create a better and safer future for them, the Union Minister added.

At the ceremony, a video about children’s rights was presented, and children from Nay Pyi Taw Child Care Center and Nay Pyi Taw Pre-Primary Schools performed dances, and the Union Minister awarded prizes to those children.

The United Nations designated 20 November as the World Children’s Day. Myanmar joined the UNCRC as member on 15 August 1991, and the commemorative day celebration has been held for 33 years.



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