Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The supply and transport corps has been showing off its excellent capabilities in dutifully serving the assigned duties for the interests of the State, nationals and Tatmadaw in successive eras: Vice-Senior General

THE supply and transport corps uses modern vehicles for carry­ing out the logistic measures and stockpiling of rations for military units in military op­erations and security duties in relevant military commands on time, said Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Command­er-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win at the cere­mony to mark the Diamond Jubilee Supply and Transport Corps at Hsinphyushin Hall of the Transit Centre in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-Senior General re­counted that the Directorate of Supply and Transport was set up in Yangon on 7 November 1947 and today is the significant day of the supply and transport corps which turns 75.

Currently, the Vice-Senior General noted that the direc­torate has been formed with different supply and transport units, battalions and training depots in addition to supply and transport camps and ration sup­ply bases.

Members of the corps are serving the duties of supplying and transporting rations and fuel, farming pack animals and medical treatments. The direc­torate arranges the supply of rations and fuel for the whole Tatmadaw with the themes to be proper, to be full and trans­ported in time.

The Tatmadaw took over some factories from the Min­istry of Industry, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and Ministry of Commerce from 1991 to 1998 to launch the man­ufacturing of necessary rations for the Tatmadaw.

Currently, the Vice-Sen­ior General underlined that Tatmadaw Tea Factories in Namhsam and Thandaung, Tatmadaw Canned Factory in Thandwe, Tatmadaw Shrimp, Fish-paste and Fish Sauce Factory in Yangon, Tatmadaw Biscuit and Noodle Factory in Hmawby and Tatmadaw Flour Factory in Awba are producing the necessary rations for the Tatmadaw. Of them, Tatmadaw Biscuit and Noodle Factory in Hmawby established the meal ready to eat factory for manu­facturing six items of rations for the military personnel on security duty from the military operation areas as of 2020.

During the period from 2011 to October 2022, Tatmad­aw factories have been selling foodstuffs to Tatmadaw fam­ilies, departmental officials and local people via supply and transport battalions at fair prices. In this regard, these fac­tories have sold tea, dried tea, canned foods, fish paste and fish sauce, biscuits and noodles worth K6,600 million.

At present, the supply and transport corps uses modern vehicles for carrying out the logistic measures and stockpil­ing of rations for military units in military operations and secu­rity duties in relevant military commands on time.

Two supply and transport training depots, animal hus­bandry battalions and central supply and transport units are conducting training courses for officers and other ranks to have a high capacity in respective logistic fields.

Members of the directo­rate participated in the search and rescue measures for the local people in natural disas­ters such as cyclone Nargis, storms, flooding, earthquakes and other disaster risk reduc­tion measures in addition to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in regions and states from 2008 to 2019 by deploying Tatmadaw members and more than 2,000 vehicles.

During the 75 years, Tat­madaw members from the Sup­ply and Transport Corps were awarded outstanding titles, gal­lantry medals, golden jubilee medals and diamond jubilee medals which recognized their outstanding performance and their sacrifice of life and limbs. The Vice-Senior General took pride in the outstanding per­formance and dutiful services of Tatmadaw members from the corps.

The supply and transport corps born in the independence struggle period together with the Tatmadaw has been show­ing off its excellent capabilities in dutifully serving the assigned duties for the interests of the State, nationals and Tatmadaw in successive eras.

The Vice-Senior General unveiled the signboard of the diamond jubilee supply and transport corps day. Director of the Supply and Transport Maj- Gen Win Myat reported on the brief history of the corps and presented the commemorative gifts to the Vice-Senior General.

The Vice-Senior General visited the exhibition to mark the diamond jubilee supply and transport corps together with retired senior officers of the corps.


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