Monday, November 7, 2022

The message sent by State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister of Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Min Aung Hlaing to the ceremony to mark 67th Anniversary of Kayin State Day 7 November 2022

 Esteemed ethnic national brethren in Kayin State

On the significant occasion of Kayin State which falls on its 67th anniversary, today, I wish all ethnic people residing in Kayin State and all national people across the nation to have physical and mental well-being.

As the Kayin State Day ceremony which is one of the significant occasions of Kayin ethnics has been held annually, this year’s ceremony which falls on 7 November 2022 turns 67. The Kayin State taking a position in the southeast of Myanmar is sharing borders with the Mon State, the Bago Region, the Mandalay Region, the Kayah State and the Shan State as well as the neighbouring country Thailand.

The Kayin State located on 11,730.9 square miles of land was formed with seven townships in four districts, but Kya-In-Seikkyi Township and Thandaunggyi Township were upgraded to district level on 30 April 2022. As such, the Kayin State becomes a state constituted of six districts.

The Kayin State is endowed with natural beauties such as forests, mountains, caves, rivers, creeks, lakes, waterfalls and streams, and local ethnic people are preserving lovely traditions and customs and adorable traditional heritage. That is why the state grasps opportunities of implementing community-based tourism services and inbound and outbound tourism services.

The abundance of underground and aboveground natural resources and water resources help local people have improvement of socioeconomy of the majority of local ethnic people. Kayin don dance which is a happy and active traditional dance of Kayin ethnic people and the sound of the traditional frog brand drum as adorable traditions are catching the attention of local and foreign travellers.

The government is striving for the socioeconomic development of ethnic national brethren from regions and states including the Kayin State in order to recover the social and economic measures triggered by the outbreak of Covid-19. Moreover, the action plan was drawn for re-surging the economy of Myanmar with the implementation of the five-year plan from the 2022-2023 financial year to the 2026-2027 financial year. The action plan consists of firmness of the legal framework which plays a key role in the State economy, improvement of financial measures, the process of enhancing the digital economy, development of transport and tourism sectors in addition to the business sectors prioritized by the State namely arrangements for the development of agriculture and livestock farms and plans for changes of technologies, manufacturing and renewable energy suitable for the environmental conservation and making efforts for achieving success in these sectors.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren,

Currently, the State Administration Council has been taking all responsibilities of the government in accord with the Constitution. It formed the Provisional Government and is pouring out the utmost efforts for peace and stability of the State, development and enhancement of socioeconomic lives of the ethnic people as much as it can by adopting the five-point roadmap and nine political, economic and social objectives which are basic principles of the State Administration Council.

All kinds of ethnic nationals have been residing in Myanmar since time immemorial sharing their future. As such, traditional heritage, literature, theatrical, music and fine arts have been flourishing for thousands of years. Despite flourishing amicable relations among the ethnic nationals, the national brethren faced disunity among them due to instigation in the colonialist era, causing internal armed conflicts.

The government firmly vowed to strive for the restoration of national reconciliation and peace in the Union in order to bring about sustainable and harmonious development for the fruits all ethnic national people can enjoy. Moreover, strenuous efforts are being made for the implementation of transport, electrification, agriculture, livestock, education and health sectors in all regions including the Kayin State, to be able to improve the socioeconomy so as to ensure the improvement of multiple sectors across the nation. Hence, I’d like to urge all ethnic national people to participate in conducting the counterattacking instigation and sabotage of terrorist groups opposing the peace and stability of the State and the government.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren,

 With regard to peace, the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee which is a peace talk machinery to implement the peace process continuously holds information meetings, virtual meetings and official meetings with relevant dialogue partners. During the period from February to December 2021 when the government took the State’s responsibilities, the government held talks with NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations 16 times and NCA non-signatory ethnic armed organizations nine times to coordinate the implementation of the peace process and the future peace process. This year, the Peace Talks Team of the State met the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA-PC) and the Democratic Karen Benevolence Army (DKBA) in the peace talks during the three days from 16 to 18 September 2022 and signed the approval of both side attitudes based on negotiations.

Moreover, it is necessary to always regard provisions from the NCA and not forget them. As NCA was drawn by stakeholders in accord with the proposals of ethnic armed organizations, only when all walk on that way will the peaceful and tranquil State we all aspire to. Hence, it is necessary to leave a peaceful legacy for posterity and quickly implement the peace process. As the government pays emphasis on the restoration of perpetual peace, NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations and NCA non-signatory EAOs must walk on the way of peace for the sake of the State economy.

In restoring the peace of our country, only when all ethnic national brethren hold meetings to seek the solution without the interference of external elements will success be achieved. In this regard, I’d like to urge you all to especially take care of the danger posed by internal and external saboteurs who commit destruction against the peace process with the unwillingness to serve the interests of our country.

Only when the Union government and ethnic armed organizations harmoniously join hands to firmly build national solidarity and national reconciliation which are missions of all as part of ensuring internal peace and national reconciliation will the ethnic national people build a peaceful and tranquil Union. At present, the Kayin State is enjoying the fruits of peace and development thanks to the leadership of the State Administration Council and firm concepts and cooperation of the ethnic national people and armed organizations. I’d like to further strive for the development, peace and tranquillity of the nation.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren,

 As the years 2022 and 2023 are important, the Diamond Jubilee Union Day which fell on the previous February was held in Nay Pyi Taw on a grand scale. As 4 January 2023 will be the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day, it is important to further strengthen the sovereign power of the State which has been for 75 years and to fully blossom the fruits of the development of the nation. Hence, a plan is underway to hold the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day on a grand scale.

As now is the time to restore peace for the whole nation essential for building the Union based on democracy and federalism the entire people wish, I’d like to deeply urge ethnic national brethren residing in the Kayin State on the occasion of significant Kayin State Day to participate in the afore-said tasks.

The active and united cooperation of all ethnic national brethren residing in the Kayin State helps ensure peace, stability and development of the region as the strength for the nation-building endeavours.

As such, I send this message to mark the 67th Anniversary of Kayin State with the wish for them to be capable of development with momentum and serve the interests of local people from the Kayin State, the country and the citizens.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

Prime Minister Chairman,

State Administration Council


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