Monday, November 7, 2022

SAC members enjoy Kayin traditional Don dance competition in Hpa-an

THE Kayin traditional Don dance competition in commemoration of 67th Anniversary of Kayin State Day, was held at the Don dance ground in Hpa-an on 5 November 2022.

State Administration Council members Mahn Nyein Maung and Saw Daniel, Union Ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Myint Kyaing, Dr Pwint San, U Min Thein Zan, Dr Thet Thet Khaing and U Saw Tun Aung Myint and Kayin State Chief Minister U Saw Myint Oo enjoyed the competition.

Next, the SAC members and the Union ministers present ed K2 million to 20 Don dance troupes. The Kayin State Chief Minister and state cabinet members also presented cash awards to them.

A total of 20 Don dance troupes from townships and villages in Kayin State will compete the competition from 5 to 9 November and the awarding ceremony will be held on 10 November.



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