Sunday, November 20, 2022

Myanmar delegation pays observation tours in Saint Petersburg

THE Myanmar delegation led by Union Minister for Science and Technology Dr Myo Thein Kyaw currently arriving in the Russian Federation visited the Nuclear Technology Information Centre in Saint Petersburg on 18 November.

First, Russia’s state-run Nuclear Corporation Rosatom and the ministry signed an agreement to establish the Nuclear Technology Information Centre in Yangon. On arrival at the Nuclear Technology Information Centre, the centre’s director-general welcomed the Myanmar delegation and explained public awareness programmes.

Then, Myanmar delegates observed model scales, presentation with virtual reality digital, effective energy production, and benefits of nuclear technology to human beings and the environment displayed in the Nuclear Technology Information Centre.

Next, the Myanmar delegation visited Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and was welcomed by the rector of the university. At the meeting hall, they discussed the shortterm training course to develop the human resources of Myanmar, handover courses, postgraduate courses and arrangements for student exchange and faculty exchange.

The international university was established over 120 years ago and produced Nobel-prize winners and mentoring skilful experts in science, technology and engineering.

Myanmar delegates also studied historical heritage and records in Hermitage Museum.


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