Thursday, November 24, 2022

Literature and fine arts are of national cultural heritage which is a basic factor to assess the cultural standard of a country and its nationals: Senior General


THE governments from Myanmar’s monarchical epoch in successive eras honoured those scholars from the literary and fine arts arenas by conferring honorary titles and medals, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the awarding ceremony of National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement, National Literary Award and Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Contest 2021 at Myanmar International Convention Centre-II in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

Before the ceremony, the Senior General viewed round the biographies, photos, prize-winning books and publications displayed at the exhibition on the ground floor of MICC-II. At the start of the ceremony, the Senior General and attendees enjoyed the video clip “marching forward through literary strength”.

 In his address, the Senior General said the government has been honouring the literati every Sarsodaw Day (literary day) for more than 70 years on a yearly basis by selecting the best literary works in the national level National Literary Award and Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award Contest with the aim of improving Myanmar literary arena.

 The National Literary Award has been presented in various forms since 1948 and in 2021, winners of the National Literary Award were honoured in 19 genres. The National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement is presented to the doyen literati for their literary performances in their lifespan, as of 2001. Moreover, Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Awards can be presented to winners in 14 genres.

Four winners in the National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement have been creating literary works throughout their lives for the sake of the State and the people, contributing to the development of Myanmar’s literary arena.

Literature and fine arts are of national cultural heritage which is a basic factor to assess the cultural standard of a nation and its people. As such, the governments from Myanmar’s monarchical epoch in successive eras honoured those scholars from the literary and fine arts arenas by conferring honorary titles and medals.

The State Administration Council conferred the Alinka Kyawswa title on 25 outstanding persons from the literary and fine arts arena in March 2022, eight in April 2022 and seven on 17 November 2022. As such, 64 Alinkar Kyawswa title winners including 19 National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement winners were honoured from the parliamentary era to date. The government is building the Art Centres in Yangon and Mandalay for creating fine artworks to meet international standards and the Sarso Beikman building for the gathering of those from the literary arena. The Senior General urged doyen literati and journalists to emphasize their literary creation, journalistic works and media functions for serving the interests of the entire national people and the State, not for a group of persons or an organization. The Senior General also called for nurturing new generation writers to polish the image of the State by following the media ethics. The Senior General presented National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement to U Kyaw Zin Nyunt (Tekkatho Myat Thu), U Ohn Maung (Myinmu Maung Naing Moe), Dr Myo Thant Tin and the daughter of Dr Daw Tin Win (Dr Ma Tin Win-University of Education) respectively. The SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister presented the national literary award to winners in selected short stories genre, belle-letter genre, Myanmar culture and fine arts genre, youth literature and translation (general knowledge) respectively. SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Council members General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, Mahn Nyein Maung and Daw Aye Nu Sein and Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn presented awards to respective winners. National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement winner Sayagyi U Kyaw Zin Nyunt (Tekkatho Myat Thu) spoke words of thanks. The Senior General posed for documentary photos together with the winners. The Senior General and party had lunch together with the winners. After lunch, the Senior General presented group photos to four National Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement winners and cordially greeted them.



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