Monday, July 11, 2022

Announcement for opening reception centres to receive CDM staff, students and youths

THE State Administration Council has been striving for the all-round development of the country including economic, social, education and health sectors. In addition, security forces are performing their duties day and night so that the entire mass of national people in various regions across the Union should be able to lead their lives and earn their living in the peace of mind. The State Administration Council gives priority to achieving genuine and perpetual peace, building up the united strength of the national brethren.

In order to prevent the unnecessary loss of human resources, the State Administration Council has publicly invited the basic education staff who are absent from duty to resume their duties and those who take part in armed resistance under various names of groups, including PDFs, to return to the legal fold if they wish to, and is systematically receiving the returnees.

It is found that, due to the persuasion, instigation and coercion of CRPH and NUG terrorist groups, some CDM staff, students and youths went to the strongholds of some ethnic armed organizations and received training in arms, ammunition and explosives.

It is known that some of those who have completed the training no longer want to be involved in terrorist attacks and so they fled to the regions within and without the country and are working there for their living. When they see terrorist attacks with their own eyes, they cannot accept such terrible acts at all. On the other hand, they have come to believe in the government’s five-point roadmap and its endeavour for durable peace. Moreover, they want to live peacefully in their hometowns again with their parents and relatives. Nevertheless, they cannot do so because of the coercion and intimidation by CRPH and NUG terrorist groups and their subordinates, it is learnt.

Therefore, the government is taking measures to be able to open reception centres in border areas for those who would like to return homes to their respective regions. Moreover, those wishing to return home can contact Tatmadaw units and police stations. It is guaranteed that they will be able to lead their daily lives peacefully.

Information Team

State Administration Council

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