Friday, May 20, 2022

SAC Information Team Leader reiterates there is enough State reserve oil to prevent fuel shortage


THERE is enough State reserve oil to prevent fuel shortage, said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, Information Team Leader of the State Administration Council and Deputy Minister for Information, at the 14th press conference.

“State has reserved oil for energy security. There is a certain amount of fuel that can meet regular fuel needs. As for oil, the price will remain high to some extent due to rising global oil prices. I would like to say we have sufficient State reserve oil,” he reaffirmed. The price of Octane has risen between K30 and K100 per litre, according to the comparison of the prices between 18 and 19 May.

“As 90 percent of domestic consumption of oil is imported, changes in global oil prices have a huge impact on the domestic price; The prices of global oil and fuel prices have changed a lot, and it has risen by more than $20 per barrel between 1 to 19 May; the reasonable whole- sale/retail prices are being announced in the daily newspapers so that business people do not manipulate the prices, including contact numbers to report any inconvenience in buying fuel,” said officials from the Ministry of Energy.

The Denko Petrol Station has submitted their difficulties to the Director-General of the Department of Petroleum Products Supervision and Inspection Department on 17 May, saying that Octane 92 Ron and 95 Ron are in short in supply and that they will suspend their sales temporarily if 95 Ron is out of sale in their 38 petrol stations in Yangon and Mandalay regions.

Yesterday morning, the Myanmar Fuel Oil Importers and Distributors Association announced that MT Beluga Pacific tanker which carries 16,400 tonnes of fuel oil, MT Yu Hai tanker which carries 17,200 tonnes of fuel oil, MT Yu Dang tanker which carries 18,200 tonnes of fuel oil, and Aberlour tanker which carries 20,000 tonnes of fuel oil, were being unloaded at the ports.



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